The myth-drama for the April Full Moon is concerned with the theme of the natural happenings at that time. The nature elementals are working their functions of bringing life to flower in the Northern Hemisphere.
Flowers are beginning to come to bloom and sprouts are lifting their heads above the soil.
This means the spiritual entities, whose duties are to give form to Natureโs Laws are operating in full swing.
The ancestors use to personify these elementals as little creatures in humanoid form dancing in and out of the warp and wood of the Cosmos.
They were called Sprites for Air, Salamanders for Fire, Undines for Water and Gnomes for Earth.

It is actually the old basic theory in elementary Science of motion, heat, condensation and solidification; the process by which everything, from universes to butterflies come into being.
Inspiration/Idea causes spirit to move matter. Motion produces heat which generates energy. The burning energy produces the fluids necessary to give body or substance and the fluids coalesce into the manifested form; physical solids and reality, as we know it.
The agencies of those processes are what the ancients called Nature Spirits or Elementals.
From those personifications ideas of elves and flower fairies and little people working at their tasks keeping Nature on track have come down to us from the folklore of all peoples.
It is fitting the Craft offer an acknowledgement of those natural agencies at least once a year. Therefore, in April, when their work is more apparent and beneficial to life, there should be a minor conjuration and honoring of them.
Let this be done with full understanding that we are dealing with unconscious life energies and natural processes which simply do their jobs regardless of and in spite of all powers to the contrary.
A natural force will express itself, and fulfill its destiny no matter what.