Esbat Blessings to all on this Full Moon, March 2024. The Wolfa Coven met to receive messages and communication from the Gracious Goddess per the teachings of the Ancient Order of Bell, Book & Candle.

The High Ceremonial of receiving these messages occurs typically during the Full Moons of March, June, September and December. These are the months in which the Solstices & the Equinoxes occur.
Since the months of the Solstices & the Equinoxes are times which initiate the beginning of each of the four seasons in the yearly quarterly cycle, this is the most opportune time to ask for messages from the Gracious Goddess in order to receive the insight needed.
It is also recommended that it is not necessary to be performed more than these four times per year in our tradition, as that gives all the Coveners adequate time to put to use the great detail of information received during these ceremonial sessions. There are literally dozens upon dozens of other Full Moon Esbats that can be performed for many purposes during the other months of the year, as we do have a standard New & Full Moon Esbat Cycle.
The initiate of the Coven who serves as the Coven Medium of Gracious Goddess must have developed their mediumship abilities. In this ritual, it is most likely the High Priestess who will serve this role as the Coven Medium. In our own Wolfa Coven, most of our established and regularly attending initiates have mediumship abilities to one degree or another โ which means that any initiate of one of the higher degrees could technically do this for the coven if needed. It may be a little unusual to have a full coven of mediums like we do โ but it just worked out that way for one reason or another where so many have this as a specialty. The rubrics of this ritual have not been put into print and are private, but we may describe a little of them from our religion.
Last night was no exception that we had many potent and impactful messages to meditate and reflect upon for the Spring quarter. Blessed Be!