Candlemas Sabbat

At the Sabbat of Candlemas, our coven and companionship meet around the altar in the temple here for the purposes of honoring the feast of waxing light and to celebrate the purification of the Earth-Mother so she could conceive of the birth of Spring.

(The above photo from a Sabbat ritual for Candlemas from 2015)

When Yule or the Winter Solstice came around not too long ago, it initiated the new season – that of winter. The Ancient One and Watchers of times of old, time outside of time, were called to be present and draw in the power as we stirred the Astral Light that night.

Yule was ruled by the God as it is one of the four Quarter Days of the year that marks the seasonal and Celestial Changes. (both solstices and equinoxes) Ancient monuments and stone megaliths from many thousands of years ago were aligned to mark these “Times” that initiate change here on earth: Such as Stonehenge and other round houses and stone circles of Britain and even the ancient monuments of the Mayans! Many ancient civilizations placed such great emphasis on these particular times of the year.

Yule represented the Celestial “Action”: the Initiator. Candlemas is now the Terrestrial “Response.” The time of daylight continue to increase since Yule from the heavenly Sun and now the Earth, our Great Mother, fashions the life by preparing the Earth with purification to wash away all the dross and the cobwebs from the doors. Soon, spring cleaning will be in the air.

Our Father God represents the Action, our Mother Goddess represents the Response. The God initiates, and the Goddess orders and manifests. One cannot exist without the other: Which is why we of the Wicca look to the Lord and Lady as halves of the same whole, and acknowledge the great “Oneness” as the Supreme Being from which all life unfolded and came to be fashioned: divine sparks dividing and indwelling and eventually through the process and progression of reincarnation, will all return to.

At this Sabbat, we wrote petitions for both spiritual and material growth. The Earth Mother is clearing a way for the opening of the tomb and life since the Celestial and Heavenly realms initiated it, so we too respond to Her changes by writing of the petitions and make room for what is to be.

The petitions were placed into the soil and the seeds of spring planted fresh. The soil and the pot that held it was sanctified and blessed through our ritual incantation. A circle dance to awaken the seeds of Spring was performed around this awakened tomb, as we ask the Lady to awaken and arise.

Once again, the awakening of the tomb and the feast of purification and waxing light is coming soon. Many mythologies represent this celestial ordering and earthly response in various myths and ritual: Such as the Descent and Release of Persephone.

If you would like to learn how to hold your own Sabbat for Candlemas; including a full ritual script in Traditional Wicca, you can find a copy in the five-volume set of “The Sacred Pentagraph” published by Tarostar. You can find a copy here in Paperback and hardback! Click the link here to be taken to Amazon.

I don’t know about you, but I tend to look back on the Sabbats with great fondness, sometimes even with a tear in my eye at their beauty. Sabbats are the memorable parts of our religion. We don’t always remember what happened at Initiations and Esbats because of the nature of their workings and their veil of mystery – but Sabbats always stick out in the memory for me – not easily forgotten! That is probably how it should be.

The rites have been kept and honor given to the Ancient One.

Blessed Be to the Wicca and to all who seek!